About Neil Wragg

Born from a necessity to repair, re-fabricate or reinvent camping kit that kept falling apart Neil Wragg, the craftsman who makes all Ragsto Bags by hand, has been sewing a long time.
'We throw away far too much these days', comments Neil Wragg, 'when we could pause and be creative, innovative and thoughtful'.

All the bags are made by Neil Wragg in his workshop in Marlow, Bucks, England. All bags are made to order so any specifications or preferences can be accommodated.

BBC TV's Money For Nothing program is an adventure! Neil Wragg has been the 'Sewing Artisan' on the BBC programme from series 2, the latest series 8 is out now and series 9 to come out later in the year.
The challenges have included remaking BBC Breakfast's Louise Minchin's rubber boat into bags, cutting up a rusty old bike into luggage, deckchairs, carpets, leather sofas, tents and kites!
It is all a great experience and a tough learning curve at times when presented with the tasks they wanted. However, the results always 'blow away' the presenters Sarah Moore, EJ Osborne & Jay Blades and the end results all sell straight away.

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